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OSHA30Construction Online Training in Alaska

The official “State Plan” of Alaska is administered by the Alaska Occupational Safety and Health Division (AKOSH) which comes under the Department of Labor and Workforce Development.

Though AKOSH adopts all Federal OSHA standards and embodies them by reference, it also embraces the following state-specific standards:

General Industry

  • Explosives and Blasting Agents
  • Personal Protective Equipment
  • Temporary Labor Camps
  • Confined Spaces
  • Logging and Forestry
  • Telecommunications
  • Electric Power Generation, Transmission, and Distribution
  • Painting Operations
  • Electrical Hazards
  • Toxic Substances
  • Bloodborne Pathogens and Other Infectious Diseases
  • Hazard Communication
  • Oil and Gas Drilling, Servicing, and Production
  • Oil and Gas Refining, Transportation, and Handling
  • Asbestos Abatement (Training, Certification, and Plan Approval)

Construction Industry

  • Gases, Vapors, Fumes, Dusts, or Mists
  • Steel Erection and Wood Framing
  • Electric Power Transmission and Distribution

Alaskans who opt for supervisory or managerial roles in the construction industry must take Online OSHA 30 training in Alaska since Federal OSHA and most employers mandate it prefers OSHA 30 certified employees to those without prior training.

OSHA30Construction training online is crucial since it plays a significant role in preventing illnesses, accidents, mishaps, and fatalities by upgrading workers’ awareness and knowledge regarding potential workplace hazards. In addition, investing in OSHA 30 training provides several benefits, including:

  • Preventing OSHA penalties and serious charges.
  • Reducing workers’ compensation costs.
  • Enhancing productivity and work performance.
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4.7 (165 Ratings)
Unlock the best site safety procedures and prevention measures through OSHA 30-Hour Construction Training and save yourself and your company from s...
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$129 $99
4.5 (107 Ratings)
Unlock the best site safety procedures and prevention measures through OSHA 30-Hour Construction Training and save yourself and your company from serious OSHA violations.
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$129 $99

In addition, the state plan of Alaska not only covers state and local government workers but also incorporates all private sectors within the state except the following:

  • Employment in the maritime industry, including shipyards, marine ports, and longshoring;
  • Workplaces on navigable waters, including artificial islands
  • Native American health care facilities that are federally owned and operated by tribal organizations under contract with the Indian Health Service, including those owned by the U.S. Department of the Interior – Indian Health Service, the U.S. Department of Defence, or the U.S. Department of Commerce – National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
  • Operations of employers within the Metlakatla Indian Community on the Annette Islands; except state school district workers;
  • Operations of employers within Denali National Park;
  • Operations of contractors at Cape Lisburne Air Force Station, Point Lay Air Force Distant Early Warning Station, Eareckson Air Station on Shemya Island, Fort Greeley in Delta Junction, the U.S. Coast Guard Integrated Support Commands in Kodiak and Ketchikan, the U.S. Coast Guard Air Station in Sitka, and the U.S. Coast Guard 17th District Command in Juneau;
  • Contract workers and contractor-operated facilities engaged in United States Postal Service (USPS) mail operations;
  • The enforcement of the field sanitation standard, 29 CFR 1928.110, and the enforcement of the temporary labor camps standard, 29 CFR 1910.142, with respect to any agricultural establishment where workers are engaged in “agricultural employment” within the meaning of the Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection Act, 29 USC 1802(3); and
  • All working conditions of aircraft cabin crew members onboard aircraft in operation.

Construction Industry Statistics in Alaska

Due to the state’s expanding population, the expansion of enterprises, and the demand for infrastructure projects like roads, bridges, and utilities, the construction industry in Alaska is increasing quickly.

40,000 of the 425,953 employment in Alaska, or 9% of all positions, are tied to the construction industry.

11% of Alaska’s total labor income ($32.1 billion) or $3.4 billion was generated by activities related to the construction industry.

The average annual wage for a construction laborer in Alaska as of May 15, 2023, is $36,855.

Construction laborer salaries presently average between $30,207 (25th percentile) and $40,780 (75th percentile), with the top 10% in Alaska earning $47,828 yearly.

Out of 50 states, Alaska has the 16th-highest pay for construction laborers.

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Labor Laws in Alaska

Fair Employment PracticesThe Alaska Human Rights Act (AHRA) forbids discrimination and harassment based on protected characteristics, including race, religion, color, national origin, age, physical or mental disability, gender, marital status, changes in marital status, pregnancy, and parenthood.

The AHRA forbids an employer from firing a worker or treating them differently because they objected to an illegal practice, reported it, testified in court, or provided assistance in a legal procedure.
Access to Personal FilesEmployers must give current and former workers access to their personnel files during regular business hours so they can study and make copies of them.
Criminal ChecksA job applicant's criminal history record, which includes details on prior convictions, current offenders, and criminal identity, may be obtained by an employer.
Drug TestingEmployers in Alaska have the right to test potential hires for drug usage, and they have the right to reject candidates if a test is positive for drugs or if they refuse to take it.
Minimum WageAlaska's current minimum wage is $10.85 per hour. The minimum wage is increased to reflect inflation every January 1. According to state law, the state's minimum wage must be at least $1 more than the federal minimum.
OvertimeAccording to the Alaska Wage and Hour Act, businesses must pay nonexempt workers overtime for all hours worked above 40 in a workweek and over 8 in a day.
Child LaborIn Alaska, some rules limit the jobs children can work and the hours and days they can work. In addition to the general ban on minors working in dangerous jobs, 14 and 15-year-olds are forbidden from working in several other jobs like manufacturing and transportation.
Pay StatementThe first employment contract between an employer and employee may include monthly pay intervals. Employers in Alaska must give workers pay statements detailing their earnings and deductions each paid month.
Wage DeductionsCertain sorts of deductions from employees' salary may be made by employers, such as those mandated by state or federal law or with the employee's written authorization. Employers are particularly prohibited by state law from making deductions for a variety of reasons, including certain shortages or losses.
Leaves of AbsenceFew laws that apply to all firms in Alaska govern the amount of mandatory time off and leaves of absence for workers. These regulations cover jury duty, voting, military service, and crime victim leave.
Occupational Safety and HealthThe Alaska state plan contains stronger protective regulations for reporting occupational fatalities and injuries, safety and loss prevention plans, bloodborne pathogens, and hazard communication.
Smoke-Free WorkplaceAlaska forbids smoking in any enclosed space while in a public place, including a vehicle and a class of employment.
Weapons in the WorkplaceAlaskan law forbids employers from enforcing rules that ban people from keeping legally obtained firearms in a closed, privately owned car in a parking space for employees.
Safe Driving PracticesAccording to Alaskan law, it is illegal for anybody to text while operating a motor vehicle, including reading or typing texts or any other type of non-voice communication.
Final PayFinal earnings must be paid to terminated or laid-off employees three working days after the termination. Employees who provide notice of their resignation must be paid at the following regular payday, which must be at least three days later.

Frequently Asked Questions

Safety coordinator, Evidence technician, Equipment operator, Maintenance mechanic, Site safety and health officer, Site superintendent, etc.

There is no stated expiry date by OSHA. However, employees must renew their OSHA cards every five years due to specific changes in occupational standards.

Yes, an Online OSHA 30-hour training course is accepted in Alaska.

Since December 29, 1970.

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